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Richmond Hill School
Week 6 - Thursday 09/07/2020 - Phonics Set 2 Sounds
by Ella
Week 6 - Thursday 09/07/2020 - Phonics Set 2 Digraphs & Trigraphs
by Ella
Week 6 - Wednesday 08/07/2020 - Phonics Sounds Set 1
by Ella
Week 6 - Wednesday 08/07/2020 - Phonics Digraphs Set 1
by Ella
Week 6 - Monday 06/07/2020 - Story
by Sarah D
Week 5 - Wednesday 01/06/2020 - Phonics
by Michelle
Week 5 - Monday 29/06/2020 - Maths - Part 2
by Ella
Week 5 - Monday 29/06/2020 - Maths - Part 1
by Ella
Week 5 - Monday 29/06/2020 - Story - The Three Little Pigs
by Rebecca
Week 4 - Thursday 25/06/2020 - Phonics Part 2
by Tabitha
Week 4 - Thursday 25/06/2020 - Phonics Part 1
by Tabitha
Week 4 - Wednesday 24/06/2020 - Phonics
by Tabitha
Week 4 - Tuesday 23/06/2020 - Story
by Aine
Week 4 - Monday 22/06/2020 - Maths
by Sarah D
Week 4 - Monday 22/06/2020 - Story
by Aine
Week 3 - Wednesday 17/06/2020 - Phonics
by Aine
Week 3 - Monday 15/06/2020 - Story
by Michelle
Week 3 - Monday 15/06/2020 - Monday Maths
by Rebecca
Week 2 - Friday 12/06/2020 - Fine Motor Skills
by Ella
Week 2 - Thursday 11/06/2020 - Fine Motor Skills
by Ella
Week 2 - Wednesday 10/06/2020 - Phonics Part 2
by Tabitha
Week 2 - Wednesday 10/06/2020 - Phonics Part 1
by Tabitha
Week 2 - Tuesday 09/06/2020 - Fine Motor Skills
by Ella
Week 2 - Monday 08/06/2020 - Maths
by Aine
Week 2 - Monday 08/06/2020 - English - The Smartest Giant in Town
by Claire